Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--4.4, 2.25; PstI--4.75, 1.9; HincII--3.5 (doublet); BamHI--4.75, 2.0; HindII--6.8. This probe identifies a VH3 gene subclass. This probe flanks p00803. The approximate number of the VH3 class of genes is 24. Detects polymorphisms with EcoRI, SacI, ApaI, HindIII, AvaII, RsaI, TaqI, and BglII. The greatest variation is seen with EcoRI. There are three polymorphic loci detected with EcoRI: (1) 6.7 kb/no band; (2) 6.0 kb/4.6 kb; and (3) 3.5 kb/no band. VHE2.2 is a subclone of lambda VH26. |