Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): BamHI--7.4; ClaI--7.4; HindIII--6.5, 1.3; XbaI--6.4, 1.4; BamHI/EcoRV--7.4; SacI--5.4, 2.1. Electrophoretic analysis of restriction digests suggests that the EcoRV site has been lost. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): HindIII--6.1, 1.3; XbaI--6.0, 1.4. Contains the wild type complete coding sequence. Corresponds to GenBank accession M12674 with a T->G substitution at nt 1491. There are additional SacI sites in the insert. Constructed by inserting an 1.9 kb EcoRI fragment from HEGO into pBluescript SK and then transferring the EcoRV/BamHI fragment to p636. The insert therefore contains some contains some Bluescript sequence. The order of the major features in this plasmid is: ClaI - CMV promoter - SacI - EcoRV - ESR - BamHI - SV40 polyadenylation - HSV-1 tk polyadenylation - <- hgrR - HSV-1 tk promoter - ampR. |