Depositor indicates digests give (kb): EcoRI--2.7, 0.9; HincII--2.7, 0.9; PstI--3, 0.4, 0.2; BamHI--3.6; EcoRI+HincII--2.7, 0.9. Insert contains the following sites separated by (bp) (approx): EcoRI- 35- MspI- 35- HincII- 95- PstI- 115- PstI- 100- MspI- 140- PstI- 140- MspI- 335- EcoRI. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--2.85, 0.95; HincII--3.05, 0.92; EcoRI/HincII--2.95, 0.92; PstI--3.2, 0.44, 0.32, 0.21; BamHI--3.9. Insert begins at nt 561 (corresponding to amino acid 187) after the ATG start and extends 157 nt after the stop codon. This probe contains exon 4. Shows 90% homology with coding region of hamster vimentin. Positions of non-coding regions conserved, but less than 45% homology between the human and hamster intron sequences. |