Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): AccI/PstI--3.2, 0.85, 0.6, 0.3; PstI--3.8, 1.25; EcoRI--3.0, 2.0. The recommended probe is the 0.5 AccI/PstI fragment corresponding to nt 1166 - 1684 of the reported sequence, which begins toward the 3' end of exon 3 and extends into intron 4 (encoding through the cytoplasmic tail). The complete insert begins upstream of exon 2 and continues beyond the last exon (exon 5). Rabbit genomic PvuII fragments detected by this probe correspond to these haplotypes (kb): D1--8.0; D2--1.8; D3--5.9; D4--3; D6--6.3; D7--4.7; D8--6.3; D15--3.0; D17--8.0. Rabbit genomic EcoRI fragments detected by this probe correspond to these haplotypes (kb): D1--2.8; D2--6.3; D3--3.7; D4--9.6; D6--2.8; D7--6.3; D8--6.3; D15--3.3; D17--3.7. |